Horse Celtic Art Necklace
Sovereignty, Guidance
The horse is associated with many Celtic deities as an emblem of power, sovereignty, abundance, and guidance. Epona and Macha are Celtic horse Goddesses who watch over the land, protecting its abundance and ensuring a good harvest. As protectors of nature, they both grant sovereignty over the land and are the goddesses of the stable, protecting all who work with horses. As goddesses of maternity, prophecy, and prosperity, they guide and protect mortals on their journeys through life.
Included with each pendant is a 32” braided rayon cord and gift packaging, including a descriptive card of the symbolism and lore of each design.
Each design is fired into the clay at 2200°F, producing remarkable clarity and ceramic-hard durability that will not peel or wear off. The pendant is surprisingly lightweight, finished to a satin touch and comfortable to wear.
Round pendant is 1″ in diameter
Oval pendant is 1 1/2" x 7/8″
Octagon pendant is 1 1/8" diameter