Mothman Necklace
On November 15, 1966, in the small town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, two couples went out together, driving on State Route 62. They later reported to local police that they saw a dark "man with wings," standing six to seven feet tall with giant eyes that glowed red in the car's headlights. They described the creature as "a clumsy runner" that followed them as they frantically tried to drive away. The flying moth-like creature rose straight up and hovered above them even as the car's speedometer approached 100 miles per hour.
Over time, more sightings of the sinister, moth-like creature were reported, and the original story evolved to become local folklore and a paranormal phenomenon. Unexplained events and disasters became associated with the Mothman, whose appearances were thought to be cautionary omens of impending danger. Today, Point Pleasant embraes the Mothman as a part of its rich storytelling history and cultural heritage.
Included with the 1" pendant is a 32” braided rayon cord and a descriptive card of the lore behind the design. The design is fired into the clay at 2200°F, producing remarkable clarity and ceramic-hard durability that will not peel or wear off. The pendant is surprisingly lightweight, finished to a satin touch and comfortable to wear.